I Want to Ride a Bicycle.


Almost 4 months into my big adventure, and 10 Km into a 25 km hike in the Peruvian sacred valley, I’m trying to decide what to do with my 2 months in the USA. After 2 months of hitch-hiking in Chile and Argentina, riding mules in the Bolivian jungle, and many more adventures, something just doesn’t seem right about bussing my way through the States. So what to do?

15 Km into that same hike – it was a long and lonely day-, my mind gets stuck on biking my way through the states. This is in every single point of view a terrible idea, and I know it. Here are the two main reasons why I will probably want to burn the bike after about 2 days: Firstly; It will be hot, very hot, and starting my trip in Dallas, TX probably won’t help that. Secondly, the ride will be about 3000 km, in less than two months. I mean, I can cycle, but to be fair I’m nowhere near being Eddy Merkx-. Even though I have plenty of reasons not to do this, the idea is set in my mind. And there seems to be no way to get it out. The more people tell me I shouldn’t to it, the deeper the idea sinks into my mind (I wonder whom I got all this stubbornness from, dad?).

So there we go, the plans are made -read: the decision is made-. To avoid forgetting, to avoid feeling all to lonely and to keep my mind occupied in the warm afternoons, I decide to start writing my adventures down, thus, the birth of The Bicycle Diaries.

Welcome to my blog! Feel free to comment, laugh, and most of all, encourage me (I’m starting to think I’ll need it)



2 thoughts on “I Want to Ride a Bicycle.

  1. Bébé chaatttt !!! Vas-y, tu peux le faire!!! Mais mets quand même un peu de crème solaire pour pas trop trop cramer hein!

    ❤ Je suivrai ton blog, pense à moi qui n'a que 11 pages de mémoire et qui se chie dessus (d'accord au moins je suis pas sur un vélo)

    Kiss Love Flex

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